Page 62 - 2025_Spring+Summer_(02-28-25)
P. 62


                              DOORS & DOOR HARDWARE

                          Pre HunG                                        HolloW core

                          1000235 - 24 x 80                              1000232 - 18 x 80    1000251 - 28 x 84
                          1000242 - 26 x 80                              1000233 - 24 x 80    1000257 - 30 x 84
                          1000261 - 32 x 80                              1000238 - 24 x 84    1000259 - 32 x 80
                          1000273 - 36 x 80                              1000245 - 26 x 84    1000265 - 34 x 80
                                                                         1000246 - 28 x 80    1000270 - 34 x 84
                                                                         1000249 - 28 x 82    1000271 - 36 x 80
                                                                         1000252 - 30 x 80    1000275 - 36 x 84


                                                    slidinG door          1010561 - 18 x 80
                                                                          1007871 - 24 x 80
                                                    track                 1007872 - 28 x 80
                                                    1000577 (48”)         1007873 - 30 x 80
     Bi-Fold                                              •  Sliding door track kit   1011366 - 32 x 80
                                                                          1014473 - 36 x 80 White
                                                          •  4’ for up to 60 lb.
     1007663 - 36 x 80                                      each door     1007660 - 30 x 80 Pre Hung
                                                          •  3/4” to 1-3/8” thick
                                                                          1007874 - 28 x 80 Pre Hung
     1007661 - 30 x 80
     1007664 - 24 x 80

                                                                    door sWeeP

           HeavY dutY

     access doors                    1014334             1012376 (2 x 36 Silver)   1010322 (1-5/8 x 36 Bronze)   1015109
                                                         1007525 (2-3/8 x 36 Silver)
                                     (2 x 36 Brush Silver)  1012883 (2 x 48 Silver)  1000041 (2-3/8 x 36 Bronze)  (36” Aluminum Rodent)
                                                                    door cHiMes

                                              1000856             1001597                     1010276       1010749
                                              Auth                Non-electric                Wireless

                                   selF closinG                        door
      1013834 - 8 x 8 click fit
      1013833 - 14 x 14 click fit  HinGe                               HinGes
      1000053 - 6 x 6              1013213 (4½” x 4½”)
      1000054 - 8 x 8
      1000050 - 10 x 10            • Sold as a pair                     1001635 - 3” Pair BP  1007504 - Utility 2½” BP
      1000051 - 12 x 12            • 1 spring hinge, 2 ball             1001636 - 3½” BP   1009759 - Utility 3” BP
      1000052 - 16 x 16              bearing hinges                     1001637 - 4” Pair BP  1001639 - Spring 6 x 4½
      1007879 - 18 x 18            • Template drilled holes             1009758 - Utility 1” BP  1001640 - Spring 6 x 6 NYCHA
                                                                        1001847 - Utility 1½” BP  1010900 - Spring 7 x 7 NYCHA
                                   • Adjustable spring tension
      1009215 - 24 x 24            • Non-removable pin                  1007503 - Utility 2” BP   1014831 - Spring Pin - Mushroom Type
     718-542-7322                                            61                                             FFSUPPLY.COM
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