Page 30 - 2025_Spring+Summer_(02-28-25)
P. 30
tOOLs & COnstruCtiOn matEriaL
1011622 - 6” Demo 6T 1011626 - 9” Lazer 10T 1010079 - 10T F/Down Cut
1009406 - 10 TPI
1011623 - 9” Demo 6T 1011628 - 9” Lazer 18T
1009273 - 9” Demo 10T 1013096 - 12” Metal 10T 1010075 - 32T 3-5/8”
1011624 - 12” Demo 6T 1009486 - 4” Recip Metal 14T 1010084 - T-Shank Set 5 Pk.
1013472 - 6” Lazer Carbide-metal 1009483 - 6” Recip Metal 14T
1011979 - 6” Lazer 14T 1007042 - 6” Recip Wood 6T
screWdriver Hole saWs
1010097 - 9-in-1
1010058 - 9/16” 1010057 - 1-13/16” 1005618 - 2-1/2”
1010061 - 13/16” 1010055 - 1-3/16” 1010067 - 2-3/4”
1005630 - 15/16” 1005633 - 1-1/8” 1010069 - 2-9/16”
1010059 - 5/8” 1005636 - 1-3/8” 1005645 - 3”
HacksaW Blades 1005629 - 7/8” 1005639 - 1-7/8” 1010066 - 3-1/8”
1005627 - 1-1/2”
1005628 - 3/4”
1010073 - 3-3/8”
1005640 - 2”
1005631 - 1”
1010072 - 3-5/8”
1010060 - 1-1/16” 1005641 - 2-1/8” 1010070 - 3-7/8”
1010684 - 12” 18T 1005632 - 1-1/16” 1010068 - 2-5/8” 1005646 - 3-1/4”
1011634 - 12” 24T 1010062 - 1-9/16” 1010074 - 2-7/8” 1010071 - 3-3/4”
1010683 - 12” 32T 1010063 - 1-11/16
Weller teMPerature ProPane triGGer
solder Gun kit 1005772 (14.1 Oz.) start
kit 1010570 1014691
• Propane and MAPP
1010546 (8 Pc.) • Cast aluminum body,
swirl flame
1008221 (85 Watt Kit) • Provides a hot efficient flame iGnitor 1010571
• Instant on/off trigger igniter
solder MaPP standard
roll Gas 2 Piece
1004072 (95/5) 1005587 (14.1 Oz.)
1004070 (50/50) 1005119
1010666 (14.1 Oz.) sWivel Head
(Lead Free Silver) • Flame temperature in air of
3730 deg F, for medium to 1012797
heavy soldering and brazing
718-542-7322 29 FFSUPPLY.COM