Page 114 - 2025_Spring+Summer_(02-28-25)
P. 114

O  ffi CE    s upp   L i E s
   OffiCE suppLiEs
                                          OFFICE SUPPLIES


                   1010687 - King black
                   1015303 - Magnum black
                   1010408 - Fine point black
                   1014841 - King red
                   1015027 - Fine red
                   1013100 - Dry erase 4 Pk.
                   1013101 - Dry erase starter set
                                                                           1009104 - 3 x 3 Yellow Poland sPrinG
                                                                           1009212 - 1-1/2” x 2”
                                     YelloW                Post it         Canary Yellow  1013774  (5 Gal.)

                                     HiGHliGHter           note Pads                     1014614 (24 Pk. 16.9 Oz.)
                                      1010518 - Sharpie
                                   coPY                                   P-toucH
                                   PaPer                                  laBel Maker
                                   1007403 -                              1013751 (Portable)
                                   Ream 500 Pk.                           • Comes with a variety of
                                                                            fonts, frames, and
                                                                            symbols to personalize
                                                                            your labels
        assorted                                                         P-toucH

        Pens                                     taPe                    laBel taPe
        1010117 - Black stick                                            • Resists water, grease
        1012699 - Black retractable  1013531 - Scotch 3/4” x 1296” Cl roll    and grime
        1012700 - Blue retractable  1007404 - Scotch 1/2” x 1296” roll   • For P-touch Labelers
        1010688 - Blue stick       1013752 - 1/2” black print on white     using TZ or TZe tapes
        1012398 - Red stick        1009885 - Correction bic              • Black on White

                                                                                                     1014848 (Black)
                                                                                                     1015485 (White)
                                                                                              DAILY ENTRY

         sHeet        laBels                            note Pad         enveloPes                 BOOKS
         Protector    1012573 - White 2-5/16” x 4”  cliPBoard   1009914 - 5” x 8” Canary  1010410 - #10 50 Pk
                                                                         1015035 - Manila 10 x 13 100 Pk.
                                                        1012940 - 5” x 8” Lined white
         1013839 - 8½” x 11”  1012292 - Dymo white 2-1/8” x 4”  1012994 - 9 x 12 brown  1011426 - 8½” x 11” lined white  1009602 - Key #3 500 Pk.  dailY
             WHite out       8”          ruBBer Bands     staPler                                          diarY
             liquid          scissors                     1009221                                          2025
             1010407 - Bottle  1011583 - Pointed  1014932  Desktop                                         1011855 - #374
                                                          full strip
                                                  • Size 64                                                1011858 - #376
                                                  • ¼ lb.
                                                                                                           1012089 - #387
                                                                                                           1011859 - #389
       WHite out                                                         cliPs                loG Book
   correction taPe                      1014972 (Assorted)              1013693 - Jumbo 100 Ct. Box  1009525
                                                                                                   150 PG
          1009885 - 4 Pk.               • Various size, shape, & color  1013694 - Small 100 Ct. Box  7-5/8” x 12-1/8”
                                        • ½ lb.
                             sPrinkler &                           Fire alarM &                   1011021
                                                                                                   300 PG

                                standPiPe                                 BuildinG           7-5/8” x 12-1/8”

                                insPection                            insPections
                            record Book                                loG Book                           coMPosition
                                        1012986                                1013546
                            • REQUIRED BY LAW                        • REQUIRED by law                           Book
                            • Log weekly                             • Log weekly                                1010166
                              & annual fire pump testing               & annual fire alarm testing             7½” x 9¾”
                            • Monthly sprinkler                      • Monthly alarm
                              & standpipe inspection                   & building inspection
     718-542-7322                                            113                                            FFSUPPLY.COM
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